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VideoAmp, Inc.

Marketing Tech

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VideoAmp is a media measurement and optimization company that helps advertisers, agencies, and publishers enhance their media strategies across TV, streaming, and digital platforms. By providing actionable insights and cross-platform measurement tools, VideoAmp enables clients to optimize media performance, improve ROI, and better engage target audiences.

Founded: 2014

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VideoAmp Company Overview

VideoAmp is a pioneering media measurement and optimization company that empowers advertisers, agencies, and publishers to enhance their media strategies across various platforms, including linear TV, streaming, and digital media. By addressing the complexities of a fragmented media landscape, VideoAmp offers innovative solutions designed to unify media planning, measurement, and optimization under a single platform. Their flagship product, VALID™, provides a comprehensive and accurate view of audience behavior by integrating data from different media sources. This enables clients to conduct cross-platform measurement and attribution, delivering deeper insights into how their campaigns perform across multiple channels. VideoAmp's tools allow advertisers to optimize their media spend by targeting specific audience segments more effectively and enhancing overall campaign efficiency. This data-driven approach helps increase return on investment (ROI) by ensuring that media dollars are allocated to the most impactful strategies. Additionally, their platform provides agencies and publishers with the capability to align their strategies with advertisers’ goals, fostering a more collaborative and transparent media ecosystem. The company’s founders envisioned a future where media measurement was seamless and integrated across all forms of content delivery, from traditional broadcast to modern streaming services. Their vision has driven VideoAmp's mission to close the gap between media exposure and business outcomes. With a strong emphasis on innovation, VideoAmp continues to evolve its offerings to meet the changing needs of the advertising industry, solidifying its position as a critical player in the advancement of media measurement and optimization. Today, VideoAmp serves a diverse client base, including some of the world’s largest brands, media agencies, and content publishers, who rely on its sophisticated technology to drive more effective and efficient advertising strategies. As the media landscape continues to evolve, VideoAmp remains at the forefront, delivering solutions that help clients navigate the complexities of modern media.

Management Team

Josh Hudgins Chief Product Officer
Peter Bradbury Chief Commercial and Growth Officer
Jenny Wall CMO
Paul Ross CFO
Marisa Peters Chief People Officer
Ross McCray Founder
Tony Fagan President of Technology and Strategy

Funding Information