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PicsArt, Inc.

Digital Design

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Picsart is a leading online platform that offers a comprehensive suite of creative tools and services designed to empower users to edit, enhance, and transform their digital content. Tailored for both individual enthusiasts and professional creators, Picsart integrates photo editing, graphic design, and video editing capabilities within a user-friendly environment, fostering a vibrant community of creatives worldwide.

Founded: 2011

Picsart Website

Picsart Company Overview

Founded with the vision to democratize creativity, Picsart is a prominent creative platform that seamlessly combines the functionalities of photo editing, graphic design, and video editing into one intuitive interface. This platform caters not only to casual hobbyists but also to professional designers, providing them with sophisticated tools such as AI-driven image enhancement, multi-layer editing, and customizable filters. Picsart's journey began as a startup eager to provide an accessible creative toolset that could rival professional-grade software, making high-quality creative processes available to everyone with an internet connection. Today, it boasts millions of users globally, who contribute to and thrive in an ecosystem enriched by shared creativity and collaboration. The platform's robust offering includes mobile apps and a web-based editor, ensuring users can create and share their work from anywhere. Picsart has also integrated social features that allow users to connect with fellow creators, participate in challenges, and gain inspiration from a global community. These elements make Picsart not only a tool for creation but also a platform for connection and inspiration, appealing to a wide range of creative individuals and professionals looking to enhance their digital presence.

Management Team

Hovhannes Avoyan CEO, Co-Founder
Artavazd Mehrabyan CTO, Co-Founder
Mikayel Vardanyan Chief Product Officer, Co-Founder
Craig Foster CFO
Greg Shomstein CRO
Humphrey Shi Chief Scientist

Funding Information