MinIO Stock

MinIO is a leading provider of enterprise-class, high-performance object storage solutions. Compatible with Kubernetes and S3, MinIO is designed for large-scale AI/ML, data lake, and database workloads. Its dual-licensing model includes open-source and commercial options, making it suitable for deployment on any cloud or on-prem infrastructure. Trusted by Fortune 100 companies and startups alike, MinIO emphasizes simplicity and scalability, ensuring robust data management and security features.

Founded: 2014

MinIO Website

MinIO Company Overview

Founded with a focus on high-performance and Kubernetes-native object storage, MinIO has become a critical player in the object storage space, particularly for AI-driven applications. Its software-defined storage solution is S3 compatible, enabling seamless integration across various cloud environments, including public, private, and hybrid clouds. MinIO supports all major Kubernetes distributions, enhancing its versatility and appeal in multi-cloud strategies. MinIO's architecture is designed for scale, offering features like active-active multi-site replication, advanced encryption, and comprehensive identity and access management compatible with AWS IAM standards. These capabilities ensure MinIO meets the stringent requirements of mission-critical environments across industries like finance, healthcare, and technology. MinIO also boasts a robust suite of enterprise features such as a unified console for infrastructure management, lifecycle data management tools, and observability for deep system insights. These tools cater to the needs of large organizations managing vast data volumes and require strict governance, compliance, and high availability. A thriving community supports MinIO, with extensive documentation, a vibrant GitHub presence, and an active Slack channel for user support. This community and MinIO's consistent focus on innovation have helped it secure a place as a foundational component of modern data infrastructures, powering data lakes, AI workflows, and more.

Management Team

Anand Periasamy Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer
Garima Kapoor Ph.D. Co-Founder, Chief Financial Officer & Chief Operating Officer
Ugur Tigli Chief Technology Officer
Jonathan Symonds Chief Marketing Officer
Kris Inapurapu Chief Business Officer

Funding Information