Mashgin Stock

Mashgin delivers the world's fastest AI-powered self-checkout systems, capable of processing transactions in seconds. Using advanced 3D vision and AI algorithms, their technology accurately identifies items without the need for barcodes, enhancing customer experience and boosting sales. Deployed in thousands of locations, including major stadiums and Fortune 500 companies, Mashgin is transforming retail efficiency.

Founded: 2013

Mashgin Website

Mashgin Company Overview

Mashgin, founded to innovate the retail checkout experience, has developed the world's fastest AI-powered self-checkout system. Using advanced 3D vision and AI, Mashgin's technology recognizes items by their shape, size, color, texture, and specular reflection. This enables transactions to be completed in under 10 seconds, significantly reducing wait times and enhancing customer satisfaction. Mashgin’s self-checkout systems are utilized in over 4,000 locations globally, including convenience stores, corporate cafeterias, stadiums, hospitals, and airports. The system's efficiency not only shortens lines but also drives a substantial increase in sales—up to 400% more revenue due to faster service. The AI algorithms continuously improve, learning new items in seconds and maintaining a high accuracy rate. The touchless checkout system developed by Mashgin eliminates the need for barcode scanning. Customers simply place their items on the checkout tray, and the system identifies them instantly. This approach reduces errors and speeds up the checkout process, making it more convenient for both customers and retailers. Additionally, Mashgin’s technology adapts to future identification methods without requiring hardware updates, ensuring long-term utility and cost-efficiency. Mashgin has processed over 500 million transactions, affirming its reliability and effectiveness. The company continues to expand its presence, revolutionizing the checkout experience across various industries. The technology’s success is evident in its adoption by major venues and corporations, consistently delivering enhanced customer experiences and operational efficiencies.

Management Team

Abhinai Srivastava Founder and CEO
Mukul Dhankhar Founder and CTO

Funding Information