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Dremio Corporation

Big Data

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Dremio offers a self-service analytics platform called the Unified Lakehouse Platform, enhancing data operations with flexible, scalable solutions at a reduced cost. This platform supports robust SQL querying and a self-service analytics framework across various data sources, providing enterprise-grade data management and optimization.

Founded: 2015

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Dremio Company Overview

Founded with a mission to revolutionize data management, Dremio disrupts traditional data analytics paradigms by offering a cost-effective and highly efficient Unified Lakehouse Platform. This platform merges the best aspects of data lakes and warehouses, enabling users to manage and analyze their data seamlessly without significant data movement. With the use of Apache Iceberg and other open-source technologies, Dremio enhances the reliability and scalability of data operations. Dremio's core offerings include a high-performance SQL query engine designed for interactive analytics and business intelligence applications. The platform also features a Universal Semantic Layer, which allows users to maintain data consistency and governance across all analysis tools without duplicating data sets. Additionally, the Iceberg Data Catalog provides innovative data management capabilities with Git-inspired versioning, facilitating more efficient data operations and governance. The platform is designed to serve various roles within an organization, from data engineers to business analysts, enabling them to perform data operations more effectively and derive insights swiftly. Dremio supports multiple deployment options, including a fully managed cloud service on platforms like AWS and Microsoft Azure, as well as self-managed software that can be run on-premises or in the cloud. With a focus on reducing total cost of ownership (TCO) and accelerating time to insight, Dremio has become a crucial tool for companies looking to leverage extensive data for strategic advantage. Its customer base includes high-profile enterprises across diverse industries, demonstrating its capability to handle large-scale data operations and complex analytical demands.

Management Team

Billy Bosworth CEO
Colleen Blake VP People
Collin Weitzman VP Sales
Edward Sharp CFO
Jacques Nadeau Founder, CTO
Lilie Lopez Chief of Staff
Ohad Almog VP Customer Success
Tomer Shiran Founder, CPO
Thirumalesh Reddy VP Engineering

Funding Information