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Green Agrevolution Pvt. Ltd.

Ag Tech

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DeHaat, operated by Agrevolution, is a comprehensive agritech platform offering end-to-end agricultural services. Utilizing AI-driven crop advisory, soil testing technologies, and a comprehensive mobile app, DeHaat offers seed supply, pest management, and market linkage. This technological integration ensures farmers receive precise, real-time support, enhancing productivity and profitability. DeHaat connects small farmers to input suppliers, financial services, and buyers, driving sustainable agricultural growth.

Founded: 2012

DeHaat Website

DeHaat Company Overview

Agrevolution's DeHaat platform delivers comprehensive agricultural solutions tailored to small and medium-sized farmers. DeHaat addresses the fragmented agricultural supply chains in India by providing an array of services designed to enhance efficiency and profitability. The platform offers soil testing, seed supply, personalized crop advisory, pest and disease management, and market linkage for produce sales. Central to DeHaat's success is its use of advanced technology. The platform incorporates AI-driven advisory services that provide farmers with precise, data-based recommendations. This includes guidance on optimal planting times, pest control measures, and nutrient management, all tailored to specific crop and soil conditions. Additionally, DeHaat's mobile app ensures farmers have access to real-time support and information, enhancing their decision-making capabilities and overall productivity. DeHaat also connects farmers to a vast network of input suppliers, financial institutions, and market buyers. By facilitating access to high-quality seeds, fertilizers, and other essential inputs, the platform helps farmers improve their crop yields. Moreover, DeHaat's partnerships with financial institutions provide farmers with the necessary financing to invest in their operations, ensuring they have the resources to adopt modern agricultural practices. The market linkage services offered by DeHaat are particularly beneficial, helping farmers secure better prices for their produce by connecting them directly with buyers. This reduces the reliance on middlemen and ensures farmers receive a fairer share of the market value. Through its integrated approach, DeHaat is transforming the agricultural landscape in India. By leveraging technology to provide comprehensive support, the platform is making farming more profitable and sustainable for millions of smallholder farmers. DeHaat's commitment to continuous innovation and its farmer-centric approach positions it as a pivotal player in the future of agriculture, driving growth and sustainability in the sector.

Management Team

Shashank Kumar Founder & Chief Financial Officer
Aditya Pandey AVP Business Finance
Himanshu Pandey AVP Agri Output
Mayank Gandhi Associate Vice President
Sandeep Singh Agriculture Extension Officer
Suhas Kumar AVP New Initiatives

Funding Information