Commsor Stock

Commsor is a company dedicated to enhancing professional networking through its suite of innovative tools. It offers products like Bronto, a platform that helps organizations build and maintain valuable connections, and Matcha, which facilitates intentional 1:1 relationships and community interactions. Commsor's mission is to transform how individuals and teams manage their networks, enabling them to unlock new opportunities, drive revenue, and foster authentic relationships that contribute to long-term success. The company operates with a global, remote-first team committed to this vision.

Founded: 2020

Commsor Website

Commsor Company Overview

Commsor, established with a vision to revolutionize professional networking, provides a comprehensive suite of tools designed to help organizations and individuals maximize the value of their networks. The company recognizes that networks are crucial assets, often underutilized due to challenges in maintaining and growing connections. To address this, Commsor offers key products like Bronto, a Go-to-Network platform that serves as a modern professional rolodex, enabling companies to identify and nurture connections that can drive revenue and business growth. Bronto empowers users to map out their networks, track interactions, and ensure no valuable connection is lost. Another flagship product is Matcha, which focuses on fostering intentional relationships through 1:1 connections and community engagement. Matcha is designed to help users build deeper, more meaningful relationships within their networks, facilitating interactions that lead to stronger professional and personal bonds. This tool is particularly valuable for communities and organizations looking to create a cohesive and supportive network environment. Commsor's mission is grounded in the belief that authentic relationships are the cornerstone of success in both personal and professional realms. By providing tools that help manage and leverage these relationships, Commsor enables its users to unlock new opportunities, whether through business deals, career advancements, or collaborative projects. The company operates with a global, remote-first team, reflecting its commitment to flexibility and innovation in the digital age. In addition to its products, Commsor actively contributes to the broader discussion on the importance of community and network building. Through its various initiatives and thought leadership, the company seeks to educate and empower individuals and organizations to harness the full potential of their networks, transforming them into powerful tools for growth and success.

Management Team

Mac Reddin Founder and CEO
Kim Hackmann COO

Funding Information