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Choco Communications GmbH

Food Tech

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Choco is a digital platform revolutionizing the food supply industry by streamlining the ordering process for distributors and restaurants. It offers AI-driven tools to automate order management, enhance operational efficiency, reduce food waste, and improve customer satisfaction. Trusted by thousands of businesses, Choco integrates seamlessly with existing systems, ensuring fast and accurate order processing.

Founded: 2018

Choco Website

Choco Company Overview

Founded to address inefficiencies in the food supply chain, Choco offers a digital platform designed to streamline and optimize order management for food distributors and restaurants. Utilizing advanced AI technology, Choco automates the processing of orders from various sources, including emails, voicemails, SMS, and third-party providers, directly into existing ERP systems. This automation significantly reduces manual entry, minimizes errors, and accelerates order fulfillment, enabling businesses to handle more orders with less effort. Choco’s solutions include real-time order processing, centralized order control, and predictive analytics to anticipate customer needs and prevent order lapses. Its AI-CRM capabilities enhance customer engagement by predicting order dates, identifying at-risk customers, and facilitating swift re-engagement through automated messaging. Additionally, Choco's marketing assistant helps reduce food waste by promoting near-expiry products, thus saving costs and supporting sustainability. The platform is highly scalable and adaptable, suitable for a wide variety of food distributors with different product types and catalog complexities. Choco places a strong emphasis on data security and privacy, adhering to stringent standards and regulations such as GDPR to ensure the protection of all processed information. Trusted by a diverse range of distributors and chefs, Choco processes a substantial volume of orders each month. Its integration with existing systems is smooth and minimally disruptive, allowing for quick adoption and immediate benefits. Choco stands out not as a marketplace but as a facilitator that enhances existing distributor-restaurant relationships by digitizing and optimizing their order management processes. This approach ensures that both distributors and restaurants can operate more efficiently, reduce operational costs, and improve overall service quality.

Management Team

Daniel Khachab Co-Founder, CEO
Henry Buchsteiner CFO
Kevin Huang COO
Rogerio Yokomizo Co-Founder, Co-CTO
Vikas Gupta Co-CTO
Julian Hammer Co-Founder, CMO

Funding Information