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BrowserStack, Inc.

Cloud Computing

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BrowserStack is a leading cloud-based platform that enables developers to test websites and mobile applications across thousands of real devices and browsers. It provides manual and automated testing solutions, integrating with popular development tools to ensure comprehensive test coverage and enhance software development efficiency. BrowserStack is trusted by major brands for its reliable, secure, and scalable testing environment.

Founded: 2011

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BrowserStack Company Overview

BrowserStack is a leading cloud-based testing platform designed to meet the evolving needs of modern software development. It provides developers with immediate access to a vast array of real devices and browsers, enabling thorough testing of websites and mobile applications. Key products include Live, which supports manual cross-browser testing, and Automate, offering automated testing on a scalable browser grid. Additionally, BrowserStack features App Live for real device testing of iOS and Android apps, Percy for automated visual testing, and tools for test management and observability, providing unified test case tracking and debugging insights. BrowserStack stands out for its seamless integration with a wide variety of development tools and frameworks such as Selenium, Jenkins, Slack, and Jira, facilitating streamlined workflows. This integration allows developers to run automated tests on every commit from their CI/CD pipeline, report bugs efficiently, and reproduce issues instantly. The platform's comprehensive testing solutions eliminate the need for emulators and simulators, enhancing the accuracy and reliability of test results. Security is a cornerstone of BrowserStack’s offering, ensuring compliance with industry standards like SOC2. The platform guarantees pristine devices and browsers for every test session, safeguarding the integrity and security of the development process. Trusted by tens of thousands of customers worldwide, BrowserStack is recognized for its reliable, secure, and scalable testing environment. By enabling developers to test on a broad range of devices and browsers, BrowserStack significantly accelerates the release process and reduces testing times. Its robust capabilities, ease of use, and extensive integration options make it an essential tool for development teams striving to deliver high-quality software efficiently. BrowserStack's commitment to enhancing the efficiency and reliability of software testing has made it a pivotal resource in the tech industry.

Management Team

Ritesh Arora Co-founder and CEO
Nakul Aggarwal Co-founder and CTO

Funding Information