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Bishop Fox, LLC

Enterprise Software

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Bishop Fox offers offensive security solutions including penetration testing, attack surface management, and application security. They help organizations identify and remediate vulnerabilities to protect against cyber threats. Their expertise in emulating real-world attacks ensures robust defense mechanisms, enhancing the overall security posture of their clients. Bishop Fox is a trusted name in cybersecurity, providing proactive and comprehensive services.

Founded: 2005

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Bishop Fox Company Overview

Bishop Fox is a prominent leader in offensive security, offering an array of services designed to fortify organizations against cyber threats. Specializing in penetration testing, attack surface management, and application security, Bishop Fox emulates real-world attacks to uncover and address vulnerabilities. Their continuous offensive security platform, Cosmos, enables organizations to manage their security landscape proactively, ensuring visibility and timely remediation of threats. The company's expertise spans various domains, including network security, cloud security, and application security. By conducting thorough assessments and simulations of potential cyber attacks, Bishop Fox helps businesses enhance their security postures. Their approach involves continuous assessment and monitoring, allowing clients to stay ahead of emerging threats and maintain robust defenses. Bishop Fox is also dedicated to advancing the cybersecurity field through research and community collaboration. Their team of experts regularly publishes insights, tools, and advisories that contribute to the broader security community. This commitment to knowledge sharing and innovation underscores their role as a thought leader in cybersecurity. In addition to their technical services, Bishop Fox places a strong emphasis on building long-term relationships with their clients. They work closely with organizations to understand their unique security needs and develop tailored strategies that address specific vulnerabilities. This personalized approach ensures that clients receive the most effective and relevant security solutions. Bishop Fox combines advanced technical expertise with a proactive and comprehensive approach to cybersecurity. Their services help organizations navigate the complex and evolving threat landscape, safeguarding critical assets and maintaining business continuity. As a trusted partner in cybersecurity, Bishop Fox continues to set industry standards and drive innovation in offensive security solutions.

Management Team

Vincent Liu Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer
Julie Albright Chief Marketing Officer
Brian de Lemos Chief Revenue Officer
Gwenyth Castro Chief of Staff to CEO and Vice President of Sales

Funding Information